Tuesday 2 June 2015

Aluminium foil properties

Aluminium foil is a very thin aluminium sheet with a gauge below 200 micron(0.02mm) down to 4 micron(0.0004mm)

It is a key and efficient material, developed more than 100 years ago, and used in many different applications, specially food, beverage and pharmaceutical packaging, as well as in technical applications. The global aluminium foil market had a size in 2010 of 3.4 millions tons. China is now the largest producer in the world with 48% of the total capacity, followed by Europe (25%), N.America (14%°) and Japan (5%)
Packaging (food, beverage, pharma) dominates the global aluminium foil market with 60% of the total demand, 40% being used for technical application like heat exchangers (automotive or building), insulation, cable wrap.

Absolute barrier protection
Aluminium foil is an absolute barrier to light, oxygen, gases, moisture, bacteries and provides high level of protection, preservation, conservation of products characteristics for long period of time and without refrigeration.
Net saver of resources
Thanks to its barrier properties, its light weight and its infinite recycling possibilities, aluminium foil in food and beverage applications saves more resources than what it needs for its production
Aluminium, as a material, is infinitely recyclable, without any loss of quality or loss of its properties. Its remelting requires only 5% of the energy needed to produce primary aluminium.
Mechanical Properties
Aluminium foil is maleable, foldable, formable and can be used for wrapping without losing its barrier properties. According to its thickness, alloy or temper, any shape can be obtained.
After annealing at high temperature at the end of its production process, aluminium foil is completely sterile and it is safe to be used in food contact as it will not react with a large majority of foods. In most applications, it is used laminated with another material.
Printing qualities
Aluminium foil , bright or mat finish, is compatible with all printing technologies.
Aluminium Foil has an excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, ideal for heat-sealing or high-precision and ultra-sonic sealing

Light weight
Aluminium is a very light metal (density 2.7g/cm3, one third of the one of steel), and therefore minimizes the weight of packaging used, and helps to save resources during transportation of final product and waste.

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